Thursday, August 29, 2013

D-Rock's 12 Best Football Things or Whatever

Hi.  I'm D-Rock,  and I'm a college football addict.

(chorus of voices: "Hi, D-Rock.")

My esteemed co-authors and I have differences about many things.  They enjoy Mexican food from El Rodeo in Blacksburg, whereas I do not.  They pwn noobs in Call of Duty, and I'm a permanoob in any video game that isn't Super Mario Kart. Their allegiance lies with a prestigious college football program in the Mid-Atlantic, while I swear allegiance to an imaginary school up near Alaska or something.

We do, however, share one important similarity:  We get an irrational level of joy from watching 18 to 23 year olds play American football for payment from wealthy boosters the love of the game.

We're about to tear the shrink wrap off of a new college football season, and I'm in a sharing mood.  But I struggle with how to share my feelings about what college football means to me.  I could never hope to match the eloquent contribution Travicopter made on this hallowed date last year.  And I hate most of the tripe that lazy sportswriters trot out every August.  But still, I need to testify in some way.

In the end, I settled on a 12-item list of "firsts" and favorite short stories from my years of adventures in college football.  You already know I'm a dork who enjoys West Coast football and wears purple.  (Even my life partner knows it's okay to buy me purple shirts).  Hopefully this will give you a clearer idea of where my addiction and world-view came from.  Enjoy.

1)  Husky Stadium, September 1998

My first UW game, first game as a Husky Band nerd, and first game in Husky Stadium was the "Leap by the Lake."  For the Hokies:  The game is referenced in that manner because Arizona's QB did a somersault into the end zone with 5 seconds left to beat UW.  For the Huskies:  UGGHHH I KNOW RIGHT????
After the infamous front-flip, I looked around at 70,000 completely silent people and said "uhmmmmmmm.... is this normal?"

2)  Oregon in Husky Stadium, October 1999

The Ducks had beaten UW in 4 of the past 5 years coming into this anticipated night game on Montlake.  Husky fans were amped, angry, and had plenty of time to prefunk.

The Husky Band's pregame "run-on" involves a drum lead-in, and 200 nerds yelling and high-stepping onto the field.  It's pretty fun, I guess.

When our run-on for this hyped game started, I heard 2 seconds of drums... and then the most epic cheer/roar I've ever heard directed at a marching band.

UW went on to win by 14.

3)  Miami in Husky Stadium, September 2000

In the week leading up to this game, Miami players and coaches told reporters that they weren't afraid of the noise at Husky Stadium, because they had "been to lots of loud places before, like Syracuse and West Virginia."

Big mistake.

The Seattle Times picked up the comments, and UW fans were prepared.  Husky Stadium got so aggressively loud for this game, I couldn't hear my own saxophone at times.

4)  Apple Cup 2000, Pullman

Scene:  D-Rock walks the sideline at Martin Stadium.  UW leads 27-0 in the 2nd quarter.  UW has all but clinched the Pac10 title.  With this loss, Wazzu will finish 4-7 and stay home for bowl season.

Two very drunk Coug fans:  "(rabble rabble rabble) FUCK THE HUSKIES (rabble) PURPLE IS GAY YOU'RE GAY (rabble rabble)"

D-Rock:  "Hey guys, check out that scoreboard!  And you know the best part?  This isn't our last game of the year!"


D-Rock stares in stunned, confused silence, then walks away.

5A)  Rose Bowl 2001, Los Angeles
Two random memories:
  • Tom Brokaw was taller that I expected.
  • Every lunch and a few dinners (for 5 days straight) were take-out boxes from Boston Market or In-&-Out Burger.  If I ever see another white lunch box from Boston Market or In & Out, I will involuntarily vomit.
5B)  Ten months later, back in LA for a UCLA game

Scene:  A charter bus, 10:00am.  Most band nerds still nursing hangovers from the previous night.

Band director:  "GAAAMEDAAAAY!!!"

Band nerds:  ".....gameday....(mumbles)"

Band director:  "Our bus driver has offered to stop at In & Out, whatta you guys think?"

Band nerds (in unison):  "NO."

6)  Apple Cup 2002, Pullman

On the drive into Pullman, and the walk to the stadium, Coug fans appeared quite assured of themselves.  And why wouldn't they be?  The Cougs were ranked #3 in the country, well on their way to the Rose Bowl or the BCS title game.  Meanwhile, UW was slogging through a disappointing season, and needed an improbable Apple Cup win to become bowl eligible.

So Coug fans were more punchy than usual for this Apple Cup.  Middle fingers were more prolific than in previous years.  The Cougs' favorite phrase involving the word "Fuck" was bellowed with more gusto.  And many Coug fans made sure we saw them waving their roses and bags of Tostitos.

A few hours later, after UW's epic win in triple overtime, for the first and only time in my life...... I rushed the field:

7)  Lane Stadium, September 2006

My first live Hokie game!

They played Northeastern!

I left in the 3rd quarter!

Sorry guys, it was REALLY boring.

8)  The Matt Ryan game, October 2007

Before the season, my cousin asked me if I wanted dibs on any of his VT season tickets.  I requested the Thursday night game against Boston College, because I'd never been to Lane on a Thursday night, and wanted to see if the experience matched the hype.
Fast forward to October, and suddenly that Thursday night tilt was the "Game of the Year ©."

BC was ranked #2 in the country.  VT was #8.  Hokie fans were mental.  Matt Ryan and the Hokie defense were locked in an epic struggle all night.  And most fun of all (for me anyway), it was pouring rain.  It was an intense and relentless rain, unlike anything I'd experienced, even after going to UW home games for 4 straight years.  My socks were squishy early in the 1st quarter.  My Beam & Coke (shhhh) was half rainwater by the 2nd quarter.

The night didn't end well (the Hokies lost on the final drive, then I drank too much and made an ass of myself).  But it was some of the greatest fun I've ever had at a football game.  Thanks again, cuz.

9)  Arizona State, October 2007

Scene:  Sun Devil Stadium.  Myself and 2 friends have jerseys on, bearing the numbers 5, 18, and 21.

Drunk ASU fan seated behind us:  "Hey 21!  Heeey 21!"

#21 turns around

Drunk ASU fan:  "YOU SUCK!"

30 seconds later...

Drunk ASU fan:  "Hey 21!  21!  21!  Hey 21!"

#21 turns around

Drunk ASU fan:  "YOU SUCK!"  (giggles)

30 seconds later...

Drunk ASU fan:  "Hey 5!  Heeey 5!"

#5 turns around

Drunk ASU fan:  "Tell 21 he sucks!"

10)  Notre Dame, September 2009

The same group from Story #9 spent several days in Chicago before a Husky game at Notre Dame.  On Thursday night, we went to a karaoke bar in Boys Town.  And yes, it was as awesome as it sounds.

A family member, "#21," and I made lots of new friends after our enthusiastic rendition of NSync's "Bye Bye Bye."  When we returned to the stage for a Backstreet Boys-related encore, the MC proclaimed "Sorry guys, they're straight.  ....but they sing like they're gay!"

Later, a different group was performing an especially awful version of "Constant Craving" or something like that.  I told one of my new friends that I would pay him $20 if he stormed the stage and did an interpretive dance to their warbling.  To this day, that was the best $20 I've ever spent.

.........oh, and then 2 days later, UW lost a heartbreaker to the Irish in overtime.  But on the train ride to South Bend, we learned that Jack Daniels will soak through cheap Dixie cups.

11)  Nebraska, September 2011

Scene:  A bar in downtown Lincoln

Random Nebraska fan:  "Hey, Husky fans!  You guys want a drink?"

Scene:  A parking lot outside Memorial Stadium

Random Nebraska fan:  "Hey Husky fans!  You guys want a drink?"

Repeat 267 times.

Seriously, Nebraska fans are the best.

12)  Logan Thomas middle finger play, October 2011

Scene:  Champs Sports Bar, downtown Blacksburg, watching Miami-VT.  Hokies are down by 4 with one minute left.  VT ball.  4th & 1 at the Miami 20.

DirtyGirts:  "OMG I am about to poop myself."

D-Rock:  "Word.  But this is an easy play call here.  It's a play called 'Fuck You I'm Logan Thomas.'  If they call anything other than 'Fuck You I'm Logan Thomas,' Stinespring needs to be fired immediately."

Literally 10 seconds later, I swear to god...

DirtyGirts & D-Rock:  (With upside-down Miami hand symbol...)  "YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!"

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